Education 4 Life is a non-profit organization who's purpose is to empower grade level students to succeed and excel to collegiate levels by helping them improve and maximize G.P.A. and A.C.T. scores.
Our non-profit program benefits students from K-12 who are in pursuit of a college education. Our program has a limited amount of space so enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis. If you are interested, please fill out our Consultation Request form.

The program, Education 4 Life was a program that benefited me in many ways than one. With the program, I was able to comprehend strategies that were taught to me when it came to taking the ACT. When I first took the ACT, I scored a 15, and I knew that I needed help in more ways than none. Working with a tutor helped me understand all the issues I had with the test and I then, scored a 19 on the test. In conclusion, these guys are fantastic and they can provide anyone all the help they need.
-Austin Powe
It has been a true pleasure being apart of this program. My daughter has always been very shy and quiet. When she began working with the college students (from South and Spring Hill) she began to open up and asking more questions and be more concerned with her GPA. The education program provided her study session for the ACT. Any questions she had about assignments, she didn't hesitate to ask. My daughter kept a 3.9 GPA all through high school and received over $200,000 of scholarships. I truly thank Education 4 Life, Mr. Eugene and the staff. Without this program, I don't know where I would have gotten all my questions answered. Thank you for this program!
-Katrina Cobb
As a result of my participation in the program, I was exposed to many different methodologies related to studying habits and problem solving skills. I was always reminded that I can reach any goal that I set for myself as long as I work hard enough. I have been awarded scholarships to several colleges because of the consistent support I received in the ACT preparation sessions provided by Education 4 Life. Everything I learned while participating in Education 4 Life has and always will stick with me throughout my academic endeavors as well as in my every day life. I am forever grateful for every lesson that I was given the opportunity to learn in the program!
-Carmen Woods
Invest in the Future of Our Youth